Dear DNC, DSCC, DCCC, and various Democratic Senators and Representatives:
Last year, I was more than happy to donate what I could to you individually, with most of my cash earmarked for Barack Obama, but plenty of my hard-earned money going to push Democratic majorities in both houses of Congress to max capacity. I even wrote a series of diaries titled "The Search for Sixty" and encouraged others to donate to embattled candidates such as Kay Hagan in North Carolina, Mark Begich in Alaska, and most anybody in between.
No more. Goddammit, now it's your turn.
Every day I go to my mailbox, there's a flyer from one of you. Every time I turn on my computer, an email.
Apparently, if I can just find it in my heart to donate $25 more, we can have universal health care.
If I donate $35, we can have green energy. For $50, we can have the Employee Free Choice Act.
And, if I really dig deep and donate $100 or more, we can--just maybe--have a new set of banking regulations.
If I really have to prove my worth to my Democratic representatives and Senators by out-spending the insurance companies, coal and oil companies, Wal-Mart, and every other corporation and right-wing interest group, then I'm sorry, but it just ain't gonna happen.
If you've REALLY got my best interests at heart (I'm looking at you, Ben Nelson and Max Baucus), I shouldn't HAVE to talk you out of listening to the insurance companies. If you really want to do right by the American people, Evan Bayh, I shouldn't HAVE to out-bribe (oh, sorry, I meant out-LOBBY) the coal companies to get your attention.
Unlike Goldman Sachs, I don't think ANY of you are "too big to fail", and I'm not bailing you out until you show me some positive return on equity.
Stop wasting the money I gave you last year on postage begging me for more money this year. Go back to your jobs and pass the damned legislation we elected you to pass. THEN we'll talk.